Strategic Operations Director

801-994-7222 x101
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As Strategic Operations Director, Klair is responsible for continuously streamlining and expanding CDCU’s operations, and ensuring efficiency and consistency across programs. After initially joining the agency as interim CFO, she also brings a strong understanding of financing operations and priorities. Klair is passionate about helping people to remain stable in their homes, as well as increasing and preserving the supply of affordable housing.  She is also heavily involved in Salt Lake County’s homeless services.

Prior to joining CDCU, Klair spent 17 years as a financial consultant in the environmental infrastructure space, primarily advising governments at a national, state and local level on how to deliver large water, waste and renewable energy projects. She also advised high-profile corporations globally on how to set and achieve ambitious sustainability goals.

Originally from the UK, Klair is a Certified Nonprofit Accounting Professional, Chartered Accountant, MSRB Municipal Advisor Representative, and received her Bachelor’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Oxford. In her spare time, Klair is on multiple dance teams (spanning latin, ballroom and country), trains with her karate squad, and enjoys gardening, camping, the opera and all things British.

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