I am the single mother of two children with their own special needs. I am a survivor of domestic violence and so are my children. I was always told that I could never do anything on my own. But I did. I just bought this house by myself. For my kids and myself.

I am a third generation drug addict. I started my journey of recovery nearly fourteen years ago. I have broken the chain of addiction. I used drugs for 16 years and lost my children because of my addiction. I decided that I no longer wanted to be abused and that my kids deserve the world and a mom they can be proud of. I went to treatment and became the woman I am today.

I had a very rough childhood. We never lived in one place for very long. We moved all over when I was young and at times were homeless. During my addiction, my kids suffered from moving around from place to place and also experienced homelessness. I always knew I wanted something better.

I always knew that I wanted to give my kids a forever home but I never thought it would be possible. I had bad credit, I lived in public housing and money was always paycheck to paycheck.

But when I was given the chance to work with CDCU, I began to have hope and determination to make my dreams come true. I am now a homeowner and my kids and I have a place to call home. I have never really decorated a home before because I knew it wasn't permanent. But I have started to do that here.

My story shows that people can turn their lives around and make their dreams come true. I am a single mother of two amazing kids, I am working a full-time job in a field that I am passionate about, I am running my own side business, I own my home and I am making my dreams and my kids dreams come true. I want to be a role model to my children, those in recovery and survivors of domestic violence.

Thank you to the staff at CDCU for teaching me how to fix my credit, how to budget, how to save money and most of all how to become a homeowner. I will never forget all that you have done to help me buy my forever home!

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