"As I decided it was time for me to make an investment in my future by buying a home, I was nervous, anxious and scared. The process overwhelmed me to the point that I was about to give up on this dream. Then one day a friend told me about this company that educates and helps people with buying homes. CDCU was a life saver for me in my home buying process. They first took away the fear and anxiety I had as I sat down with a one-on-one advisor and walked me through what it takes to get a home. It was personal and goal oriented. Then they provided me with the education that helped me know more about the ins-and-outs of buying a home. This gave me the confidence to make smart decisions. As I was ready to move forward, I was happy to use CDCU for the financial side of this process. As my journey ended with CDCU, I felt very grateful for all they did. I truly felt like they cared about me and my happiness in finding a home. CDCU listened and helped find the best options for me and my needs. I have now been in my home for a little over a year and everything feels right. This has been one of the best decisions that I have made in my adult life. Having my little home has opened up a new chapter and has helped give me financial and mental security. I know I would not be here without the care from CDCU."

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