Are you a tenant in Salt Lake City needing assistance? CDCU has partnered with SLC to help people navigate available resources to help address housing stability, financial stability and other resource needs. Our Tenant Resource Center offers renters personalized assistance from CDCU's Community Navigation specialists. 

Additionally, a new Relocation Assistance Fund for Tenants (RAFT) provides financial aid for low-income households facing displacement due to qualifying circumstances such as real estate development at or around their property.

Visit to explore SLC's various housing and other resources, and/or submit a request to be contacted by one of our Community Navigators here. 

community resource SUPPORT REQUEST

You can also call 801-893-3779 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm) or visit with a Navigator at 501 East 1700 South, SLC, UT 84105.

Find out what SLC Mayor Erin Mendenhall had to say about the Tenant Resource Center!

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